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One-on-one coaching for women across the US/world

If you're looking to make a change in your life - or just feeling stuck where you are - coaching is a great option. It provides the same, safe container that therapy does with a little extra structure and accountability. You don't have to have a clear goal in mind (though that's great, too!). Sometimes you just know you're not where you want to be. 


Coaching can include:


-guided visualization to uncover the desires and longings for your life
-tools for managing anxiety and working through fear

-exploring negative beliefs that keep you locked in the same cycles

-healing past wounds in order to free you to pursue the life you deserve

-setting goals and making weekly commitments towards those goals

-in-between session check-ins for accountability


Coaching sessions can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on your needs. We will meet for 60 minutes via video and sessions can be recorded upon your request. You will have access to a personal folder on Google Drive with summaries of your sessions and any resources we share. Session rates are $150/hour.

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